堂區第一次感恩祭於一九九五年三月十二日,在密市位於Melton Drive的葡籍S Salvador Do Mundo聖堂舉行,參與聖祭人數約120人。這團體於四月由核心小組四位成員Paul Tang, Alfred Li, Sam Ng及Reuben Wong與龍神父定名為「天主教救世主堂華人牧民中心」,附屬於上址葡籍堂區,每主日以粵語舉行一台感恩祭,並為密市、賓頓市及鄰近地區的華人天主教徒服務,同時為願意領洗的人士傳授教理,給他們準備成為天主的子民。
由於教友人數續漸增加,堂區於同年七月遷往位於815 Ceremonial Drive的St. Gertrude Elementary School作為彌撒中心,堂區亦可借用學校課室及禮堂,進行慕道班、主日學、靈修講座,以及其他善會活動。主日彌撒增至兩台,同時教友人數增至400多戶。牧民工作倍感繁忙,遂成立堂區牧民議會,協助龍神父處理堂區事務。堂區發展一日千里,至今已有超過七百戶教友家庭登記,每年受洗的新教友近百人。
堂區不斷成長,在多倫多西區主教Most Reverend Terence Prendergast推薦下,於一九九七年獲多倫多教區批准成為準堂區,命名為「天主教救世主堂」,委任龍神父為主任司鐸。同年多倫多教區批准撥款購置位於4624 The Gallops的一所平房,作為堂區辦事處及主任司鐸的住所。該址地庫設有小聖堂,可供教友參與平日彌撒。同年亦於星期六增設一台主日提前彌撒。除主日彌撒外,亦舉行慶日彌撒及每月首瞻禮六特敬耶穌聖心彌撒,並增設普通話彌撒。聖堂籌建工作遂由此積極展開。
一九九八年,再經由Prendergast主教推薦,多倫多教區同意撥出30 Bristol Road West地段,即Bristol Road與Hurontario Street交界、St Francis Xavier中學隔鄰,興建「天主教救世主堂」華人聖堂,並批准進行建堂籌款活動。
Development History of Saviour of the World Chinese Catholic Church
To cater to the needs of the ever-growing Chinese Catholic population in the west of the GTA and to carry out evangelization in the area, the Catholic Diocese of Toronto appointed Rev. John Lung in March 1995 to set up a Chinese church in Mississauga, the fourth in the GTA. This was the start of Saviour of the World Chinese Catholic Church.
The first mass, which was attended by about 120 members of the local Chinese community, was celebrated on March 12, 1995 in the Portuguese S Salvador Do Mundo Church at Melton Drive. In April of that year, Rev. John Lung and four core members of the group, Paul Tang, Alfred Li, Sam Ng and Reuben Wong, named the group Saviour of the World Chinese Catholic Pastoral Centre. It was affiliated to the Portuguese parish and celebrated one mass in Cantonese every Sunday. The pastoral centre served Chinese Catholics in Mississauga, Brampton and neighbouring areas, and catechized those who sought baptism to prepare them for initiation into the Catholic church.
As the congregation increased in size, the group made a move in July 1995 to St. Gertrude Elementary School at 815 Ceremonial Drive, which was used as a mass centre. The school’s auditorium and classrooms were also used for catechism classes, Sunday school, talks, seminars and other parish activities. The number of Sunday masses had by then increased to two and the number of registered Catholic families increased to 400. To cope with the increasing demand for pastoral services, a parish pastoral council was set up to assist Father Lung. The parish grew rapidly. Today there are more than 700 registered families, which are joined by close to a hundred newly-baptized Catholics each year.
As the parish continued to grow, on the recommendation of Most Reverend Terence Prendergast, Bishop of the Western Pastoral Region of the Toronto Diocese, approval was given by the Toronto Diocese for the parish to become a Catholic mission. It was named Saviour of the World Chinese Catholic Mission and Rev. John Lung was appointed Pastor. The Toronto Diocese also approved the purchase of a house at 4624 The Gallops for use as parish office and rectory. Daily mass was offered in the basement chapel. In the same year, the parish added an anticipated Sunday mass on Saturday evening. In addition to Sunday masses, it also celebrated mass on feast days and the first Friday of each month as a special devotion to the Sacred Heart. Masses were also celebrated in Mandarin. Active plans to build a church began at this point.
In 1998 also on the recommendation of Bishop Prendergast, the Toronto Diocese agreed to provide a lot of land at 30 Bristol Road West, adjacent to St. Francis Xavier School, at the intersection of Bristol Road and Hurontario Street, for the construction of Saviour of the World Chinese Catholic Church. Approval was given for the launch of fund raising activities.
After years of fund raising and active planning, the ground was broken on October 6, 2002 and construction of the church began. The project took almost two years to complete. Church members give thanks to God for the realization of their dream.