马杰执事于2014年在多伦多总教区被祝圣,派往密西沙加华人天主教救世主堂服务。 (他的执事圣召可以在这里找到 https://fll.cc/video/the-lord-calls-my-family-responds/?ss360SearchTerm=Paul%20Ma)
马杰执事于 2000 年在上海领洗(他的皈依故事可以在这里找到 https://fll.cc/en/video/thy-will-be-done/?ss360SearchTerm=thy%20will%20be%20done), 来到加拿大后在救世主堂教授国语慕道班。 他与生命恩泉团队 (fll.cc) 制作了 50 集国语慕道课程 (ChineseRCIA.org)、150 多集《打开圣经》 (https://fll.cc/open-the-scriptures/) ,并在多伦多四个华人天主教堂多次带领避静。
馬傑執事於2014年在多倫多總教區被祝聖,派往密西沙加華人天主教救世主堂服務。 (他的執事聖召可以在這裡找到 https://fll.cc/video/the-lord-calls-my-family-responds/?ss360SearchTerm=Paul%20Ma)
馬傑執事於 2000 年在上海領洗(他的皈依故事可以在這裡找到 https://fll.cc/en/video/thy-will-be-done/?ss360SearchTerm=thy%20will%20be%20done), 來到加拿大後在救世主堂教授國語慕道班。他與生命恩泉團隊 (fll.cc) 製作了 50 集國語慕道課程 (ChineseRCIA.org)、150 多集《打開聖經》 (https://fll.cc/open-the-scriptures/) ,並在多倫多四個華人天主教堂多次帶領避靜。
Deacon Paul was ordained Permanent Deacon at the Archdiocese of Toronto in 2014 and was assigned to serve Savior of the World Chinese Catholic Church (SOTW) in Mississauga. (His calling to the Diaconate can be found here)
Deacon Paul was converted to the Catholic faith in Shanghai in 2000 (His conversion story can be found here) and had been teaching Mandarin RCIA at SOTW. He labored with Fountain of Love and Life (fll.cc) and produced 50 RCIA classes in Mandarin (ChineseRCIA.org), 150+ Opening-the-Scripture episodes (https://fll.cc/open-the-scriptures/), and conducted many retreats in the four Chinese Catholic parishes in the Toronto area.
Deacon Paul serves the needy at The Open Door, an ecumenical charity of Christian churches in Mississauga, and mentors Permeant Deacon candidates at St. Augustine Seminary for the Archdiocese of Toronto.
Deacon Paul has a master's degree in business, an equivalent in theology, and a bachelor's degree in engineering. He is a doctoral student in preaching with the Dominican Aquinas Institute of Theology in the United States. Deacon Paul and his wife Maria have three children.