SOTW front view

Promotion of Faith 信仰培育組


Organization:  Our Chinese Catholic Community was established on March 12, 1995. Ever since then, there has been an increase in number of Chinese Catholics. We saw the need to take care of the pastoral need of the Chinese Community. We started the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adult and Children (RCIA & RCIC) classes and the Sunday school in April and May respectively in 1995. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Promotion of Faith Group was established in June 1996. The objectives of the group unrelentingly focus on the teaching of the Catholic Catechism, the preparation of catechumens for sacraments, the spiritual formation of catholic members and evangelization.



Mission Statement:  Our mandate is to evangelize - to nurture the growth of faith in God for all age groups so that they are prepared to celebrate the sacraments and practise their faith as responsible Catholics.


職員  Committee:

會長  Chairman: Paul Tang
副會長  Vice-Chairman: Sue Hsu
秘書  Secretary: Carman Ng
財政  Treasurer: Catherine Lee
國語組主任  Mandarin Group Coordinator: Catherine Ma
慕道團主任  Catecist Coordinator: Jennifer Tang
主日學主任  Sunday School Coordinator: Mimi Wong


服務  Services:

1)  主日學 - 幫助公教家庭的兒童及青少年和未入讀慕道班的兒童及青少年,參與禮儀活動 - 感恩祭、善工、聖事和服務等;從中認識信仰、學習祈禱、如何善渡教友生活、和學習愛主愛人。

1)  Sunday School - Sunday School helps children from JK to High-School from both Catholic families and non-Catholic families who are not ready to be enrolled in RCIC classes to fully participate in the liturgy of Words in Mass and all other liturgy adoration including Sacraments and services. To understand the Catholic’s faith, learn how to pray, live out as a Catholic and love God and everyone.


1a.  主日學 - 廣東話班  Sunday School - Cantonese Group

       星期日上午10:30 – 11:30 (以英語及廣東話授課)  Sunday at 10:30 am – 11:30 am (Languages: English and Cantonese)

班別  Class 導師  Teachers
幼稚園  Jk & SK Joseph Chiu & Catherine Lee
一、二年級  Grades 1 & 2 Emily Chiu & Mimi Wong
三、四年級  Grades 3 &4 Lawrence Au & Candy Wong
五、六年級  Grades 5 & 6 Felix Wong
七、八年級  Grades 7 & 8 Anthony Wong


1b.  主日學 - 普通話班  Sunday School - Mandarin Group

       星期六晚上5:30 – 6:30 (以英語及普通話授課Saturday at 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm (Languages: English and Mandarin)

班別  Class 導師  Teachers
幼稚園,一、二年級  JK, SK, Grades 1 & 2 Winnie Cheng
三年級及以上  Grade 3 & up Estella He & Sarah Wang



2)  慕道團 - 為不同年齡 (成人、青少年、兒童) 策劃之慕道課程,配合聖言和生活的實踐,讓慕道者學習讀聖經的習慣和祈禱的生活,培養他們積極活潑的信仰觀。

2)  RCIA and RCIC - The groups mandate is to evangelize to nurture the growth of faith in God for all age groups and focus on the teaching of the Catholic Catechism, the preparation of catechumens for Sacraments and to practice their faith as responsible Catholics.


廣東話班 Cantonese Group:

2a)  成人慕道班  RCIA

上課時間  Time 導師  Catechist
星期日上午9:00 – 11:00  Sunday 9:00am - 11:00am Vivien Chu

星期六上午9:30 – 11:00  Saturday 9:30am - 11:00am

星期日上午10:30 – 11:30  Sunday 10:30am - 11:30am

Jennifer Tang, Adrian Tam


2b)  兒童及青少年慕道班  RCIC

上課時間  Time 導師  Catechist
上午 9:00 - 10:30  9:00am - 10:30am Carman Ng


國語組 Mandarin Group:

2c)  成人慕道班

上課時間  Time 導師  Catechist

星期六下午4:00 – 6:45  Saturday 4:00pm - 6:45pm

星期六下午5:30 – 6:45  Saturday 5:30pm - 6:45pm

Nancy Yang, Hai-Dong Zhang, Sue Hsu


2d)  青少年及兒童慕道班  RCIC

上課時間  Time 導師  Catechist
下午 5:15 - 6:45  5:15pm - 6:45pm Lucy Chiu



3)  聖事 - 為適齡的兒童預備領受聖事。藉著有形的標記,賜予我們無形的恩寵,使我們能看見、聽見和了解天主如何透過耶穌愛我們

3)  Sacraments – To prepare children for the appropriate sacraments. With God’s guidance and blessing, children would be encouraged to see, hear and understand God’s love to all of us.


3a)  初領聖體  First Communion Class

上課時間 Time 導師  Catechist
下午 5:30 - 6:30  5:30pm - 6:30pm Isa Lai


3b)  堅振聖事

上課時間  Time 導師  Catechist
晚上 7:15 - 8:45  7:15pm - 8:45pm Anthony Wong & Felix Wong



主日學報名表  Sunday School Registration:

每月德行  Virtue of the month:


聯網網址  Other Links:


Last update: December 25, 2022