聖母軍是一個天主教 教友團體, 於一九二一年九月七日由杜輝先生在愛爾蘭都柏林成立。團員以義務工作者身份為教會服務。聖母軍團體遍及世界各地。
The Legion of Mary was founded in Dublin, Ireland on 7th September, 1921 by Mr. Frank Duff. It is a lay Catholic organization whose members are giving service to the Church on a voluntary basis in almost every country.
聖母軍的最基本單位 稱為支團,每週開會一次,當中事項包括祈禱、工作報告及討論。
The basic unit of the Legion is called a praesidium, which holds a weekly meeting where prayers are intermingled with reports and discussions.
本支團附屬密西沙加天主教救世主堂,稱為 "救主之母支團" ,逢星期五早上九時半至十一時在小聖堂開會。
The praesidium attached to Saviour of the World Chinese Catholic Mission in Mississauga is called “Mother of Our Saviour Praesidium”. It meets every Friday in the chapel from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
宗旨: 聖母軍的宗旨,是用祈禱和積極的共同工作,在教會領導之下,在聖母和教會踏破蛇頭,拓展基督神國的工作中,聖化自己的團員。
Objective: The objective of the Legion of Mary is the glory of God through the holiness of its members developed by prayer and active cooperation, under ecclesiastical guidance, in Mary’s and the Church’s work of crushing the head of the serpent and advancing the reign of Christ.
工作及活動: 每位聖母軍團員均需 出席週會及每週偕同聖母在信德的精神下履行傳教工作。傳教工作可透過探訪家庭、老人院及醫院進行,亦會通過講授教理,以達到傳教目的。此外,本支團亦活躍 於教堂其他靈修及文娛活動。
Work & Activities: Each member is required to attend the weekly meeting and carry out a weekly apostolic work in the spirit of faith and in union with Mary. The apostolic work can take the form of visitation of families, seniors’ homes and hospitals, and teaching of the Christian doctrine. Our praesidium is also active in assisting the parish in its various spiritual and social gatherings.
靈修: 各團員除了工作外,更須祈禱,因祈禱是聖母軍不可或缺的重要部份。每週開會時,團員均會頌唸玫瑰經。支團亦會按時参予避靜、朝聖及每月舉行聖經研討及分享。
Spiritual Enrichment: Each member must pray as well as visiting work since praying is a fundamental element of the Legion. To this end, the Rosary is prayed at the weekly meetings. We also join retreats and pilgrimages on a regular basis and have bible study/sharing once a month.
團員: 本支團歡迎所有年滿十八歲已領洗的教友探訪本團開會及成為會員。我們設有兩種團員:活動團員(每週均須開會及做傳教工作)及輔助團員(每天以聖母軍名義祈禱)。
Membership: All baptized Catholics over 18 are welcome to visit our weekly meetings before deciding to become members. There are two types of members: active (who attend meetings and carry out apostolic work weekly) and auxiliary (who pray daily in the name of the Legion).
職員 Officers:
團長 President: | Mary Lau |
副團長 Vice President: | Doris Mak |
秘書 Secretary: | Grandy Ng |
會計 Treasurer: | Rosa Chan |
Last update: January 3, 2025