Saviour of the World Choir was established in 1995.
本團的宗旨如下 The principles of the Choir are:
在天主的引領下,建立一個信、望、愛的共融團體。 To build a united group of faith, hope and love under the guidance of God
會長 President: | Anna Chung |
副會長 Vice-President: | Julie Au Yeung |
秘書 Secretary: | Meg Lui |
財政 Tresaurer: | Betty Yee |
康樂 Recreation Leader: | Serah Li |
團員人數 Membership Size: | 現時 16 人 Currently 16 members |
會費 Membership Fee: | 每年 20 元 $20.00 per year |
練習時間: Practice Time: |
主日上午8時半至9時及10時半至12時 Sunday 8:30 to 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. |
申請資格: Application Criteria: |
任何14歲或以上的教友,有興趣以歌唱服務堂區者,歡迎 申請加入本團 All parishioners aged 14 and above who have an intention in serving the church community through singing are welcome. |
工作: Services: |
擔任主日9時彌撒歌詠團;如有需要,為其他特別彌撒擔任 歌詠團,並協助堂區其他活動 Sunday 9:00 a.m. Mass choir and special Mass as required. We also assist in any other parish activities as needed. |
堂區活動: Parish Activities: |
協助並参與堂慶、迎新會、美食節、百萬行、聖誕聯歡等 Assist and participate in Parish Anniversary Celebration, Welcom Neophytes Party, Food Festival, Walkthon, Christmas Party, etc. |
靈修活動: Spiritual Activities: |
聖經研讀及分享、恭唸玫瑰經、朝聖、生活分享、講座等 Bible study and sharing, rosary prayers, pilgrimage trips, experience sharing, etc. |
康樂活動: Recreational Activities: |
夏日野餐及新年聚餐等 Summer picnic and annual dinner, etc. |
社區活動: Social Activities: |
頤康探訪、Open Door、捐贈食物、物資等 Yee Hong visits, donations to Open Door, etc. |
聯絡資料 Contact information:
Anna Chung | (416) 818-3688 | annachung1@rogers.com
Last update: January 13, 2025