座右銘: << 請讚頌上主,因為上主是美善的,歌詠祂的名,因祂的名是甘甜的。>> ~ 聖詠135:3 ~
Motto: "Praise the Lord because he is good; sing praises to his name, because he is kind." ~ Psalm 135:3 ~
成立: 於1995年,由一群熱心及熱愛音樂的教友組成。
Establishment: Formed in 1995, by a group of parishioners who love music and singing.
宗旨: 以聖詠讚頌天主,帶動教友投入禮儀。
Objective: Through the singing of hymns to praise God, to bring parishioners to involve in the Mass etiquette.
幹事 Officers:
團長 Chairperson: | Irene Leung |
副團長 Vice Chairperson: | Judy Wu |
秘書 Secretary: | Cindy Yip |
神修組長 Spiritual Leader: | Paul Yim |
康樂組長 Activities Leader: | Joyce Tam |
團員人數: 現時22人
Membership: Currently 22
會費: 每年$30;18歲以下每年$15
Fees: $30 per year; $15 per year for under 18 years old
工作: 主要負責主日上午10時30分彌撒詠唱,及為其他特別彌撒 / 禮儀及大禮彌撒詠唱。
Duties: Mainly responsible for singing in the Sunday 10:30 a.m. Mass; and also serve the singing in other special Masses and celebrations.
練習時間: 每主日上午9 時至10時15分於小聖堂內,及每月第3個星期日下午1時半至3時半於聖堂內。
Practice: Every Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. in the Chapel; and the 3rd Sunday of each month from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. in the church.
活動 Activities:
堂區: Parish: |
協助並参與堂慶、迎新會、美食節等。 Assist and participate in Parish Anniversary Celebration, Welcome Neophytes Party, Food Festival, etc. |
神修: Spiritual: |
每月第一個星期日舉行聖經/信仰分享,及参與堂區的朝聖、講座等。 Bible/faith sharing held every 1st Sunday of each month; also participate in Parish Pilgrimage, seminars and other spiritual events. |
康樂: Recreational: |
聖誕及新春聯歡、夏日燒烤、karaoke等。 Christmas and Chinese New Year pot luck/dinner parties, BBQ/picnic, karaoke, etc. |
社區: Social: |
頤康探訪、Open Door 捐贈食物、物資。 Yee Hong visit, donations to Open Door |
團員招募: 誠意邀請熱愛音樂及唱歌的教友加入本歌詠團
Recruitment: Cordially invite all parishioners who love singing to join our Choir
聯絡人 Contact person:
Judy Wu | 647-646-2828 | judywuml2012@gmail.com
Last update: January 7, 2025