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Finance Committee 財務委員會


章程  Charter 



The Parish Finance Committees (Councils) were enacted by Cardinal Carter at the President’s Council Meeting on March 31, 1986.  The Parish Finance Committee is a mandatory institute in every territorial Parish according to the Code and the legislation that regulates their composition and the parishes of the Archdiocese of Toronto.  In each Parish, there is to be a Finance Committee to assist the Pastor who is the administrator of the goods of the Parish.  The Pastor, acting in all juridical matters in the person of the Parish, is to ensure that the Parish goods are administered in accordance with the norms of both universal and diocesan law.

The Finance Committee is separate from the Parish Council and responsible directly to the Pastor.  The role of the Finance Committee is mandated in law to have an advisory and consultative role with the Pastor.  Both the Pastor and the Finance Committee are bound to fulfill their duties in the name of the Church.


職能  Functions 


  1. 根據堂區議會所訂之指標,並與其他組別諮詢後,製訂堂區週年預算。
  2. 審核堂區半年結之財務報告,呈交主教總署,並向本堂教友提交週年報告。
  3. 就堂區的週年預算,檢定堂區的收支情況。
  4. 確保堂區的會計程序符合總教區的規定。
  5. 審閱堂區的合約,特別是有關人事任用或解聘的合約。
  6. 定期檢查堂區資產,如有需要,則策劃進行適當的維修。
  7. 支持總教區及堂區各項籌款活動。

It is the function of the Finance Committee to assist the Pastor in the administration of the goods of the Parish according to the following parameters:

  1. To coordinate the Parish annual budget in consultation with other groups and in accordance with goals set by the Parish Council.
  2. To review the semi-annual financial reports which are to be made to the Chancery and to formulate an annual report to the Parish community.
  3. To review periodically the income and expenditures in light of the annual budget.
  4. To ensure that the Parish accounting conforms to Archdiocesan requirements.
  5. To review contracts and agreements especially regarding the engagement or termination of Parish personnel.
  6. To inspect periodically all Parish properties so that they remain in proper repair and to plan repair as required.
  7. To encourage support of Archdiocesan fund raising projects as well as Parish campaigns.


組織成員  Membership


  1. 本堂神父為財務委員會當然主席。
  2. 委員由本堂神父委任,任期由一年至三年不等,任滿後可獲再度委任。
  3. 委員應由本堂區教友中選任。
  4. 委員須具備管理及財務知識及經驗。
  5. 在本堂神父認定沒有利益衝突之情況下,財務委員會委員可兼任堂區其他組別之職位。
  6. 財務委員會其中一名成員,必須為堂區議會成員。
  7. 所有委員,均須對其協助本堂神父所處理之堂區事務,嚴守機密。

The Finance Committee membership is constituted as follows:

  1. The Pastor is the ex-officio Chairman of the Committee.
  2. Members are to be freely appointed by the Pastor for fixed terms of no less than one year and no more than three years that may be renewed.
  3. Members should be drawn from the Parish community.
  4. Members should have skills or expertise in management and finance.
  5. Members may serve in other ministries in the Parish if the Pastor judges that there will be no conflict of interest.
  6. One member of the Finance Committee must be a member of the Parish Council.
  7. All members are bound to observe discretion in the confidential matters they treat as assistants to the Pastor.


現屆財務委員會  Current members (於2020年3月委任  appointed since March 2020):

  • Vivien Chu (司庫  Treasurer)
  • John Lai
  • Paul Chau
  • Dixon Ip



(As per Archdiocese of Toronto Chancery Office Decree on Finance Councils dated August 1, 1986)