第十五屆堂區牧民議會 The 15th Parish Council (2025-2026)
Rev. Philip Tan | 主席 | Chairman |
Doris Mak | 會長 - 委任議員 | President - Appointed Representative |
Anna Chung | 內務副會長 - 救世主聖詠團 | Vice-President (Internal) - Saviour of the World Choir |
Paul Tang | 外務副會長 - 信仰培育組 | Vice-President (External) - Promotion of Faith |
Irene Leung | 秘書 - 花地瑪聖母歌詠團 | Secretary - The Choir of Our Lady of Fatima |
Susanna Tong | 秘書 - 聖家歌詠團 | Secretary - Holy Family Choir |
Janet Cui | 委任議員 | Appointed Representative |
John Ng | 委任議員 | Appointed Representative |
Chris Chan | 教友代表 | Parishioner Representative |
Cliff Leung | 教友代表 | Parishioner Representative |
Peter Chang | 教友代表 | Parishioner Representative |
Yolanda Wong | 教友代表 | Parishioner Representative |
James Law | 青年牧民 | Youth Ministry |
Grandy Ng | 聖母軍救主之母支團 | The Legion of Mary |
Katherine Cheung | 耶穌聖心常青會 | Sacred Heart of Jesus Seniors' Group |
Thomas Ting | 禮儀組 | Liturgy Group |
Winnie Wong | 聖德蘭婦女會 | St. Teresa of Avila Women's Group |
Estella He | 輔祭會 | Society of Altar Servers |
Bernard Lam | 送聖體員協會 | Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion |
Last upate: January 5, 2025